The Prairie Skies Public Library District is a self-governing agency of the State of Illinois.
The Library District is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. There are seven board members, all residents from around the District. Trustees are elected for four-year terms. The Board meets on the Second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The Board of Trustees establishes the budget and policies for the Library District and appoints the Library Director, who serves as the Library's chief executive officer.
Current Trustees
Jan Davis President
Bob Butcher Treasurer
Jennifer Petefish Secretary
Diane Hatcher Trustee
Rachel Kocis Trustee
Jonathan Klepzig Trustee
Kevin Kesselring Trustee
Boehlke, Cindy Director
Greene, Kelly Board Clerk
To email a board member, please click on the name to open a link.
Board and Committee Meeting Minutes & Agendas
FY 2024-25 Agenda & Minutes
7-9-24 in Pleasant Plains Agenda Minutes
8-13-24 in Ashland Agenda Minutes
9-9-24 in Pleasant Plains Agenda Minutes
10-8-24 in Ashland Agenda Minutes
11-12-24 in Pleasant Plains Agenda Minutes
12-10-24 in Ashland Agenda Minutes
1-14-25 in Pleasant Plains Agenda Minutes
2-11-25 in Ashland Agenda Minutes
3-11-25 in Pleasant Plains Agenda Minutes
4-8-25 in Ashland Agenda Minutes
5-13-25 in Pleasant Plains Agenda Minutes
6-10-25 in Ashland Agenda Minutes
Committee Meeting Minutes
The September Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 9th instead of the previously scheduled, Tuesday, Sept. 10th.
For Freedom of Information requests, please use this link to find our Request Form and information on our library district. If you need further assistance, contact Cindy Boehlke at 125 W. Editor, Ashland, Il 62612 or email .
Prevailing Wage
Library Policies
Please click on the link to find the PDF of each policy.